22 Nov 2015

edition two

Well as you may or may not have noticed. I've made some changes around here, a pretty big change in fact. I've decided that it's time for a change and that Vanilla Craft is not for me anymore.

Vanilla Craft is what bought me this far into blogging and I'm very thankful for all you lovely followers. I want to bring you a better blog and so I'm proud to bring to you 'Harri'.

Yes, it's as timeless as it gets when it comes to blog names but I'm ready for this blog to take me on new adventures

I hope you are ready to share this new adventure with me. I really hope you still follow along and thank you for bringing me this far

Cheers to new beginnings!
- Harri x


1 comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write a comment. I read everyone and try to reply as soon as possible so check back. Hope you enjoyed this post x Harri