4 Feb 2016

The Chocolate Fudge

Why the chocolate fudge you may ask, well it's a special thing to many of my friends and I. It even has a bit of a story. Just over a year ago, you may remember me going to a camp for a month. It was here where we lived in a house together and cooked, cleaned and adventures in the outdoors with instructors (I really could go on for hours about this!).

Anyway back to the slice, many times, we made this slice and it quickly became our favourite midnight snack and something to look forward to in the evenings. It was most definitely our sugar hit (WARNING: read no further if you are cutting down on sugar!!!)

So yes, it's a sugary, buttery and mouth watering recipe that's just so wonderful I had to share our recipe for it! I know the girls I shared the camp experience with will be excited seeing this come out from the depths of the camp cookbook.

2 eggs, lightly beaten
250g butter
3/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp cocoa
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 packets (500g) of plain super wine biscuits, crushed into chunks

*To crush biscuits, place into a plastic bag and use a rolling pin. Even though it sounds easy - don't use a food processor because it becomes too fine!

Line a baking tin with baking paper. Around 30cm x 24cm in size. Place eggs, butter, sugar, cocoa and vanilla in a pot over low heat. Stir constantly and remove it from the heat just before it comes to a simmer. Mix in crushed biscuits*. Put mixture into the tin and ice with chocolate icing (recipe below) and then set in fridge.

Chocolate Icing
Mix together 3 1/4 cups icing sugar, 2 tbsp cocoa, 50g melted butter, 3 tbsp boiling water and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Beat until smooth and spreadable.

Enjoy your sweet treat

- Harri x
