13 Mar 2016


I've said I would avoid updates posts this year but I've realised I've been absent for a bit around here and there's some explaining to do. I've had a tough week or so and blogging has been at the back of my mind because of it.

On Friday the 4th of March (same day as my blog's birthday) my little baby cat, Gemma passed away after either being hit or falling. We don't know exactly what happened, but here we have been desperately sad and it's been very hard. I just thought I would like to remember her here on this blog as she was very special to me and my family. Rest in peace Gemma.

There's also been some other personal issues which I'm getting through with the support of my wonderful friends. I promise the normal blogging will be back soon. In the meantime, go and enter my giveaway (prize pack worth $300) on Instagram.

I've also been very busy finishing my art internal and I thought I should share with you some of my favourite pieces from it. This year my focus is rock pools and the seashore so I've been drawing seashells and rocks and lovely ocean themed things.

I put together this little collage that I love so much, it's been so fun adding pieces to any photo/collage with my Wacom tablet. I might do a video about how I use it soon and how I blog altogether which I think you will all enjoy.

Back soon
- Harri xx
