19 Jul 2016

I'm Back

I've just taken the longest blogging hiatus in the history of my blog but it was needed. Lots happened in my life and each time I went to blog, it just didn't happen. I'm now inspired and ready to make this little blog a special place for me to share my thoughts once again and I hope you are all hear to follow along with me again!

This blog is now going to be what I love, and nothing else. So you can now look forward to see my design, photography, ideas, room decor (because that's my favourite thing ever) and maybe some other bits and bobs thrown into the mix sometimes! It will just be anything (that's pretty to be honest!).

I can't wait to fall in love with blogging again and for you to continue the journey with me!!

Lots of Love
Harri xx


1 comment:

  1. Yay welcome back! I've missed your posts. I think 2016 is the year of the blogging environment feeling oversaturated and cluttered, at the moment I'm kinda in a bit of a funk over what to post and end up abandoning ideas left right and centre-not fun. Maybe I need to take a break too. Here's to posting what we love tho x


Thank you for taking the time to write a comment. I read everyone and try to reply as soon as possible so check back. Hope you enjoyed this post x Harri