I talked about this project in my new years post but I wanted to show you all properly. It's one of my biggest achievements of 2015 and the best most tangible thing I have to look back on the year. Every day of 2015 I managed to find a photo of something I did, something I saw or someone I was with to capture the day.
Photo a day allows you to see more than just the memories that you choose to see. Sometimes the photo isn't exciting, but it still shows what your life was like even in the dull times. It helped me to find something special in every day and not miss the small moments that we would otherwise look right over.
Many days were tough and once or twice I felt like giving up, but it was wonderful to see a beautiful finished product and even the photos that I thought were bad, came together beautifully. It's a very satisfying thing to see grow. I had all my photos saved in an album on my phone and I loved showing people.
If you are doing a photo a day or week or something similar, I really recommend it. It's such a rewarding challenge and it makes you feel so proud when you get to the end. Not to mention you have a keepsake for each year!
- Harri x