1 Jan 2016

twenty sixteen

It's hard to believe that today is the first day of 2016 and another year has just flown by once again. This year has been a great year for me and looking back at my post at the start of 2015, I've achieved so much more than I set out to do.

1. Make the Most of Everyday / 2. Try extra hard in my first NCEA exams / 3. Reach 1000 followers on my blog / 4. Take more photos of my everyday life / 5. Make more new friends / 6. learn to paddle board / 7. Do a Photo A Day Album 
8. Try New Things / 9. Put effort into every post on my blog / 10. Have Fun in 2015

I think I can say I achieved every one of these goals in some way or another and I have taken a photo every day of 2015 which is something I'm very proud of.

For 2016, I had a hard time making goals so I'm doing less this year. I want to continue with what I set for myself last year plus add some new goals.

What I would like to achieve in 2016...
  • Keep posting more on this blog
  • Start trying some new and different things
  • Take more photos with my DSLR
  • Work really hard on my art & design work
  • Create some photo albums 
They are simple but also a challenge. I have another busy year of school ahead of me but I'm determined not to let it get in the way of blogging and other things I love again. I'm going to make 2016, my year! The year is what you make it and I have to say, I love the idea of a fresh start. Aren't we lucky to have new years!

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you have a wonderful 2016!
I would also love to hear your goals for the year, so leave them in the comments.

- Harri xx
